
Welcome to Figuring It Out

I’m still learning a lot when it comes to being a new mom. That’s what this blog is about, things i am figuring out how to do as a new parent and dealing with the unexpected things in life.

Keeping busy!

Well you all know I usually have a picture in the beginning of my writing. Well to be honest I couldn’t find a good one, actually I didn’t even really look. I am actually waiting to go to work for the next 2 hours and my sweet little Penelope is having not feeling to good…

Growing Up

Welcome back! There is so many things that have happened with my little baby but there are so many things I am looking forward to as mommy! We are talking first steps and beyond, this can only mean one thing! Penelope is GROWING!! Alright well things going on in the world right now are not…

Becoming mobile & Teething

Well here we are again, things are different and my little girl is growing. We are at the point wear Penelope is now mobile, she is getting fast and she is growing some teeth. Atticus is still trying to eat food off/out of Penelope’s hands, mouth , and high chair tray, they are the best…

Its Been Awhile..

Well it has for sure been a while since I have wrote anything about my journey with Penelope. It has been amazing being her mom and it is crazy how much she has grown already. Penelope is now 7 months old, she is so observant and alert with everything around her, she loves to smile…


I realize it has been a while since I have last wrote anything. Honestly I have been a little lazy with it, we got back from our trip on the 24th and we have been readjusting and getting back into our schedule at home. The trip was so fun! My dad and step mom got…


When you are breastfeeding, it is great and all but it does comes with some not so great other things. Pumping is good because you can get your milk when you are feeling full if your baby is sleeping or has already ate. Leaking, that just happens… It really likes to happen when you aren’t…

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